Top 10 Things You Should Really Know Before You Arrive in Hawaii

06/07/2024 By james

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10.The best time to visit Hawaii 

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April to May and September to November with fine weather and fewer visitors.

9. Island Hopping

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Tip: At least plan to see two islands to be exposed to the Hawaiian variety.

8. Culture Awareness

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Tip: Greet people with "Aloha" and thank them with "Mahalo."

7. What to Pack

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Tip: Light, airy clothes, swimwear, lotions with SP, reef-safe products, comfortable walking shoes

6. Car Rentals

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Tip: Book in advance for the best rates for the rental car.

5. Nature exploration

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Tip: Great landscapes of nature: erupted volcanoes, waterfalls, green forests; national parks and natural reservations. .

4. Experience the Local Culture

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Tip: Taste Aloha A Hawaiian Regional Cuisine - a fusion of flavors. Be sure to try their traditional poke, laulau and shave ice.

3. Water Activities

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Tip: From snorkeling, surfing to paddleboarding, Hawaiian water activities can offer a great deal of good stuff for each kind of visitor.

2. Respect Wildlife

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Tip: Sea turtles and monk seals are protected in Hawaii. Keep a safe distance. Never touch or feed native animals.

1. Staying Safe

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Tip: Watch for riptides and sun overexposure. Drink plenty of water and tons of sun block.