
Finding the Perfect number 1 Scholarship for Your Field of Study

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Finding the Perfect number 1 Scholarship for Your Field of Study

Finding the Perfect Scholarship for Your Field of Study
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This second scholarship can open a page in your present and future academic and professional success and dreams. Scholarship therefore refers to funds that one can use to finance his or her studies and which are provided with the expectation that they will not be reimbursed. The following resource has been intended to help you understand the correct approach toward identifying the scholarships relevant to your interests and goals, conducting research about them, and applying successfully.

What is a Scholarship?

These are forms of financial aid given to students in forms such as academic merit, financial needs, or specific talents. Unlike loans, scholarships do not need to be repaid; this makes it an attractive option to finance education. According to Sallie Mae, there exist approximately 6 million active college scholarships for approximately $30 billion in aggregate value. The statistic underlines how vast opportunities can exist for students.

Finding the Perfect Scholarship for Your Field of Study
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Types of Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships: This basis of awarding scholarships is solely dependent on certain achievements by a student in academics or generally in talents etc. depending upon the scholarship provider.

Need-Based Scholarship: These scholarships are based on financial need; hence, the scholarship provider is required to present various financial documents.

Field-specific Scholarship: This category of scholarship targets a particular stream, such as STEM, Arts, and Humanities.

Demographic Scholarships: These aim for a specific group including but not limited to the following: minority students, female students, and veterans.

Institutional Scholarships: Most universities have their scholarships. These are merit or need-based. Knowing the type of scholarship you’re looking for helps you find ones that fit your needs and goals.

Finding the Perfect Scholarship for Your Field of Study

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Take some time for self-reflection before actually searching. What are your strengths, interests, and qualifications? Consider the following:

Academic performance: What is your GPA? Are you good in some particular subject-mathematics or English? Extracurricular activities: Are you into some kind of sport, clubbing, or volunteer work? These may come in handy with your scholarship applications.

Special Abilities or Talents: In case you have some special skills, such as artistic or leadership experience, this may help identify whether you will be in a better position in applying to certain scholarships.

This self-assessment will allow you to create a profile that you will be using in your scholarship search.

Step 2: Scholarship Researching

Now that you have an idea of your qualifications, it is now time to research scholarships. The following are effective ways of doing this:

Internet Scholarship Search Engines

In searching for scholarships, always use search engines where a particular scholarship fits into your profile. One of the most popular scholarship websites is:

ScholarshipOwl: This website organizes scholarships in many different ways from which relevant awards can easily be found. 

Bold.org: Houses a very user-friendly interface for searching for scholarships by desired education level and interest. 

Cappex: Houses the largest database of scholarships; through this facility, you will be able to filter through them according to several parameters.

Scholly: It uses an algorithm to match the student with the profiled scholarship.

CareerOneStop: This is one of the government sites of the United States of America for the Department of Labor that offers more than 8000 scholarships in its records.

These websites ease the process of sifting through these scholarships based on factors like the place of residence, field of study and so on that would be advantageous for you. This might very well put you in a better standing as far as getting some is concerned.

University Resources

Do not forget to check with the financial aid office of your university too. Many college and university scholarship programs are not even posted publicly. Usually, the information about the scholarships and how one can apply for them is found on the websites of different universities. You should also be calling academic advisors since they may also be aware of field-specific scholarships for students.


Connect with professionals and students currently in your sphere of interest; they may be in a position to enlighten you on those scholarships that are not very well publicized. Join an alumni network such as LinkedIn to get contacts and even search for alumni at a career fair or any other event.

Step 3: Understanding the Eligibility Criteria

Every scholarship has its requirements hence it is advisable to make sure you go through these requirements before applying. This includes:

Requirement of Academic Nature: Some scholarships have minimum requirements of either GPA or standardized test scores.

Field of Study: Make certain the scholarship pertains to your proposed major or career.

Demographic Criteria: This may be minority-only scholarships or first-generation college student scholarships.

Components of Application: Consider what is required in the documents you are asked to submit including essays, letters of recommendation, and transcripts.

The Chevening Scholarship requires at least two years of working experience of the applicant, while some of them require GPA and language proficiency.

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Step 4: Preparing Your Application

When you have identified the scholarships that you would like to apply for, then comes the preparation time for applications. What you may need in common requests are as below:

Application Form

Application: Complete the application form and finish it correctly. Check that all information is correct.


Most scholarships require that you submit essays in which you can give them an idea of yourself, and what you want to achieve. Take this time to elaborate on why you are most qualified for the scholarship and how it will fit your goals.

Letters of Recommendation

Ask teachers, mentors, or employers who can speak positively on your behalf about your qualifications. Give them at least a month to write the letters before the application deadline.

Transcripts and Test Scores

You may be asked to submit your academic transcripts and standardized test scores

 Give them at least a month to write the letters before the application deadline.

Transcripts and Test Scores

Submit your report cards and test scores

These documents validate your academic record.

Financial Information

You might be required to submit your financial records, like your FAFSA form or your parent’s tax returns in some need-based scholarship applications.

Step 5: Time to apply 

Remember a few things: you’ve got all your materials ready”

Spell out the deadlines for the scholarships and any other important dates noting that you must be able to submit applications before those dates

Personalize Applications: Make your essays and other application materials original for the specific scholarship you are applying to demonstrating how your qualifications fit or meet that specific scholarship’s criteria.

Follow Directions: Follow all of the directions included in the application including formatting requirements and method of submission.

Keep Records: Make copies of all materials you submit and keep a record of each application submission.

Step 6: Follow Up

You may also wish to check up with the providers once you have submitted your applications, just in case you do not hear from them on, or before the date of notification. This demonstrates that you are indeed interested and eager.


It may take time and work for you to locate a scholarship that best matches your needs. Understanding what types of scholarships exist, conducting proper research, and making quality applications will surely pay off. Note that not just the top students receive scholarships; there is a great variety of types and levels of talent, backgrounds, and interests. If you keep trying persistently and stay active, you might come across just the kind of financial support to meet your pursuits of academic and career goals.

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